Project name




UX/UI Design


Oct '21

Project duration


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Wesbite and mobile app, which aims to promote inclusive design practices, providing a resource for organisations and individuals seeking to engage better with marginalised communities.

This collaborative project, a part of our exploration in Digital Futures, gave rise to 'include.' — a purpose-driven initiative tackling the issue of exclusion in technology design, with a focus on empowering marginalized communities. From People of Colour and First Nations to the LGBTQ+ community and individuals with disabilities, 'include.' embodies the principles of design justice and accessibility. Rooted in design thinking, the project showcases how a comprehensive understanding of industry dynamics and thoughtful technology integration led to a sustainable solution. 'include.' stands as a testament to our commitment to creating a more inclusive and accessible digital landscape.

• Website design and Development
• Accessible design guidelines and resources
• Graphic design and branding
• Concept walkthrough video
• Report on the dynamics of exclusion within technology design

Within this project, I assumed a pivotal role in spearheading design (graphic design and UX/UI of the digital properties). Employing a design thinking framework, my focus was on creating a digital environment that surmounted cultural and accessibility barriers. My active involvement in user research yielded crucial insights that directed the overall design strategy, translating into UX/UI elements for a seamless and culturally sensitive digital experience. The core of my contributions materialized in the development of an interactive content evaluator and an accessible web interface. Through deliberate design decisions, I prioritized inclusivity, positioning 'include.' as a testament to the transformative potential of user-centered design.

Exploration of the Problem Space

Within this phase of the project, our team conducted a series of in-depth interviews with members of the LGBTQI+ community, First Nations representatives, individuals with disabilities, and people of color. These interviews provided firsthand accounts of the challenges they faced in technology-mediated communication. For instance, a member of the Deaf community highlighted the lack of accessible content in social media videos, emphasizing the need for inclusivity in multimedia. Another insight emerged during a discussion with a First Nations representative who pointed out the limited representation of Indigenous languages and cultural practices in online spaces, emphasizing the importance of cultural inclusion in digital communication. Secondary research involved an extensive review of academic studies, such as social media's failure to provide accessible and inclusive content for people of color. This dual approach ensured a robust understanding of the multifaceted problem space.

Strategic Focus Through Problem Mapping

Using problem mapping techniques, we strategically narrowed our focus to address a specific pain point within the broader problem space. For instance, within the LGBTQI+ community, we identified a lack of inclusive language and representation in digital content. Problem mapping allowed us to visualize the interconnected issues, enabling us to define a targeted intervention. By focusing on specific areas where the most significant impact could be made, we ensured that our 'Define' phase laid the groundwork for a solution that directly addressed the identified challenges. An example of this focused approach was the identification of the lack of representation of diverse gender identities in mainstream media, leading to a more specific intervention in our project.

Collaborative Brainstorming and Stakeholder Consultation

During the 'Ideate' phase, our team engaged in collaborative brainstorming sessions that led to the conceptualization of the interactive content evaluator. Through stakeholder consultations with representatives from the LGBTQI+ community and First Nations, we gained insights into their preferences for inclusive design. For example, brainstorming sessions unveiled creative ideas such as customizable accessibility features on the evaluator, allowing users to tailor their experience based on individual needs. The iterative design process and Radical Candor principle played out in refining these ideas. An example of this was the suggestion from a stakeholder with a mobility impairment to include voice commands as an alternative navigation method, highlighting the importance of diverse perspectives in the ideation process.

Iterative Prototyping and Stakeholder Feedback

Within this phase, we translated our ideation into tangible solutions. The development of iterative prototypes for the interactive content evaluator and accessible web resources involved close collaboration with individuals with disabilities who provided critical feedback. For instance, a visually impaired user emphasized the importance of clear audio descriptions in multimedia content. Another example was the iterative testing of our accessible webpage with members of the LGBTQI+ community, where feedback highlighted the need for more explicit explanations of cultural protocols. This feedback loop allowed us to refine our designs iteratively, ensuring that the final products not only met but exceeded the needs and expectations of our diverse user base.