Project name

Woosh Air

Woosh Air


Product Design


Feb 23' - Present

Project duration

Woosh Air

View live websiteView mobile app

Led the design function at Woosh; an early-stage smart home technology startup. Scope covered UX/UI of digital properties, including mobile app and website, and design of various print collateral.

Woosh revolutionizes air purification with its Smart Filter, combining a filter frame with embedded sensors and 3M™ Filtration Technology. Seamlessly integrating with thermostats, it transforms homes into holistic air purifiers. Woosh's Smart Filter, Air Quality Monitor, and mobile app provide real-time insights, alerts, and reminders for effortless indoor air quality maintenance. The system empowers users to create a healthier living space, responding swiftly to changes by activating the HVAC fan for cleaner, circulated air.

• Wireframes & Prototyping
• Shopify Web Design and Development
• Mobile App Mockups in Figma
• Print Media & Marketing Collateral

At Woosh, I played a key role in driving design initiatives and integrating innovative features. I spearheaded the development of the mobile app and redesigned website, focusing on user experience and interface design. My contributions included launching the product's design system, marketing materials, and the 2024 CES convention booth. I ensured excellence through rigorous testing, engineering audits, and leading weekly standups. The website redesign optimized information architecture, styling, and eCommerce elements, resulting in a 25% increase in online sales and a 20% rise in conversion rates. Collaboratively, I worked with product and engineering leaders to define roadmaps, aligning with design principles and technical requirements.

User Needs & Design Objectives

In the domain of the mobile app, my responsibilities encompassed a thorough understanding of customer needs and business objectives. Through market research and user research, I gained insights that shaped the evolution of Woosh's mobile app. This understanding extended to collaborating with stakeholders to define app objectives and key features, establishing the groundwork for a user-centric design.

For the website redesign, a deep dive into user research was conducted to identify pain points and preferences, providing the foundation for the redesign process.

The launch of Woosh's design system involved a comprehensive analysis of brand values and positioning. This understanding guided the development of the design system, ensuring alignment with Woosh's overarching goals.

Establishing Design Objectives

With the mobile app, the team had just begun conceptualizing and set out to achieve two main objectives: (1) communicating data points on indoor and outdoor particulate matter and (2) showcasing information on users' smart filters. The design challenge was to present this information in a user-friendly manner, incorporating an educational perspective. We defined this problem through a combination of desk research and user feedback, which underscored the critical need for clear, real-time air quality information and an intuitive interface.

For the Website Redesign, the initiative was internally driven to refresh our direct-to-consumer website in preparation for moving from pre-sale to product launch. The redesign aimed to highlight our partnership with 3M and provide a brand refresh. It also offered an opportunity to address existing issues such as poor navigation, lack of an intuitive user flow, and insufficient eCommerce integrations. Analytics data revealed high bounce rates, underscoring the necessity for a redesign to enhance user engagement and boost sales.

Conceptualizing Design Solutions

In the realm of mobile app design, the ideation process involved engaging cross-functional teams. I began by crafting diverse wireframes and mockups, exploring different avenues to effectively convey this information through thoughtful information architecture. The definition phase involved close collaboration with stakeholders, outlining objectives, features, and key aspects of the app's user experience.Collaborative brainstorming sessions generated ideas for functonality, building fatures out and engaging customers with the app. This also involved exploring creative avenues for translating the design system into tangible and impactful representations across various touchpoints within the app. This phase aimed to communicate Woosh's brand essence consistently.

Ideation for the website redesign spanned creative exploration of styling elements. Aesthetic considerations were paramount, aligning with Woosh's brand identity while exploring innovative ideas to enhance visual appeal. Furthermore, email marketing campaigns were conceived, exploring features such as exclusive discounts, early access, and personalized recommendations.

High Fidelity Prototypes & User Testing

The design and testing phase for mobile app design included crafting high-fidelity prototypes, user testing, and refining the interface.

For the website redesign, the design and testing phase involved executing the redesign, incorporating feedback to refine and optimize functionality, navigation, and overall visual appeal. Ecommerce checkout features were optimized, and a product photoshoot was directed for a cohesive and visually compelling user experience.

The design system's impact was tested through its application in marketing, print, packaging, and the event space at the 2024 CES convention.